ChatCareer Resume Builder

I continue to review new AI tech that might help you in your search for a new job. Today, I review ChatCareer which takes the job description and compares it to your resume to highlight any missing information.

TL;DR - Not ready for production. It is a great example of a hackathon project, but too many formatting errors and too painful a user experience to make it worth more than a product teardown review to practice for interviews. It may get better quickly, but as of early September 2023, it wasn’t usable.

It appears to be another example of trying to put an interface on top of ChatGPT. I like the intention but the execution fails to meet expectations, as a result is unusable. But this is how we innovate; people try things and learn.

What I did like is the problem identification that you might want to chat to think through how to improve your resume. Right now, still has them beat. With JobScan, I have to do the work, but the advice is actionable and clear. I don’t have to waste time picking through a terrible rewrite of my resume that doesn’t consider my level.

The 6 Steps

  1. Copy and Paste the Job Description

  2. Upload Resume

  3. Review Job Fit

  4. Chat & Brainstorm (Recall relevant experience)

  5. Add Job-Fit Bullet Points

  6. Generate Resume

Clearly, by the product’s name, they are hoping the Chat feature to discover the missing elements will be their differentiator.

My Experience

It was an odd experience. When I hit chat, I got a long block of text. I share it below, but add breaks where it will help increase your comprehension (and mine, to be honest). I wasn’t sure how it could help me improve my resume. It seemed as if someone put a skin on ChatGPT but didn’t think about practically how it could help a stressed job seeker.

The chat is mostly the bullet points from my resume feed back to me. For the fifth step, it has a horrible rewrite of my own resume. I don’t get it. It would take more time to figure out what it added and edit the poor formatting to make it worth it.

This feels like someone had a great idea of how to reduce the pain of writing a resume for each application but got lost on the way. Things I want to see added to make it usable:

  • Highlight your changes vs. My Original

  • Suggest new resume lines

  • Rewrite only what is required

  • Ask me specific questions about the missing elements to help my job my memory

  • Let me ask a question (I tried but got nothing)

It seems better as a mock interview question generator than a resume rewrite solution.

Text From Chat

Interviewer: Can you tell me about your experience in product management and how it aligns with the responsibilities of a Group Product Manager in logistics and routing?

Candidate: Sure! In my most recent role as a Senior Product Management Lead at Google, I was responsible for optimizing the local search ad experience and expanding opportunities for local businesses to connect with users. I worked closely with cross-functional teams to enhance the user and advertiser experiences through strategic ad algorithm changes and improved UX design. Additionally, I led the team in supporting strategic investments in YouTube audio ads and Display & Video 360. These experiences involved collaborating with pricing, legal, and operations teams to improve marketplace efficiency and deliver scalable delightful experiences.

Interviewer: That sounds like a great fit for the logistics and routing responsibilities of a Group Product Manager. Can you provide an example of a specific challenge you faced in your role at Google and how you addressed it?

Candidate: Absolutely! One of the challenges I faced was bridging the gap between sales, marketing, data science, and product teams. Each team had its own set of metrics and goals, which led to misalignment and inefficiencies. To address this challenge, I implemented product measurement practices that allowed us to track the performance of our launched products and gather insights to drive product development and innovation. By sharing the results and benefits of our products with the appropriate stakeholders at the appropriate time, we were able to align our goals and make data-driven decisions to improve overall performance.

Interviewer: That's a great example of how you tackled a cross-functional challenge. Can you provide any specific metrics or results that demonstrate the impact of your product measurement practices?

Candidate: Absolutely! One of the metrics we focused on was the increase in advertising spend empowered through product innovation. By coaching 10 product managers to write compelling strategic plans, we were able to empower over $5 billion of advertising spend. This not only demonstrated the effectiveness of our product innovation but also had a significant impact on the company's revenue growth. Additionally, our improved decision-making through experiment and testing procedures resulted in a more efficient allocation of resources and better overall performance of our products.

Interviewer: That's impressive! It's clear that you have a strong background in product management and have worked on challenging projects. Can you think of any other experiences, either from previous roles or personal projects, that demonstrate your ability to drive marketplace efficiency and deliver delightful experiences?

Candidate: One experience that comes to mind is when I worked as a Lead Product Manager at Amazon, specifically in the recommendations team. In that role, I formulated strategies for machine learning algorithm development, testing, and implementation to improve the accuracy and relevance of product recommendations. This involved identifying and correcting unique pain points of different customer segments, and measuring the impact of our recommendations on customer satisfaction and business performance. Through these efforts, we were able to increase customer engagement and drive business growth.

Interviewer: That's a great example of how you leveraged machine learning and analytics to deliver personalized and delightful experiences. Can you provide any specific metrics or results that demonstrate the impact of your work in the recommendations team at Amazon?

Candidate: Absolutely! One of the metrics we focused on was the increase in customer engagement with our recommendations. By implementing a new automated product recommendation platform and tying our performance metrics directly to customer pain points and financial performance, we saw a significant increase in customer interaction with recommended products. This resulted in not only improved customer satisfaction but also a boost in sales revenue. Additionally, by identifying and correcting pain points of different customer segments, we were able to increase the effectiveness of our recommendations and drive business growth.

Interviewer: That's impressive! It's clear that you have a strong track record of delivering results through data-driven decision-making and innovative product strategies. Is there any other experience or project that you would like to share that showcases your ability to collaborate cross-functionally and drive marketplace efficiency?

Candidate: Yes, one experience I had was when I worked as a Group Product Manager at Yelp. In that role, I led a team focused on building innovative products for consumers and businesses. One of the challenges we faced was fostering strategic alignment across different departments in an online local business directory. To address this challenge, I standardized the product manager onboarding and training process, which helped ensure that all team members had a common understanding of the company's mission and goals. Additionally, I introduced the use of Yelp's North Star metric for 13 teams across three product organizations, which helped align our objectives and track progress towards our goals.

Interviewer: That's a great example of how you fostered collaboration and alignment in a complex organization. Can you elaborate on the impact of introducing Yelp's North Star metric and how it improved marketplace efficiency?

Candidate: Absolutely! By using Yelp's North Star metric, we were able to focus our efforts and resources on improving the key aspects of our product that directly impacted the company's success. This allowed us to align our objectives across different teams and departments, fostering a more cohesive and efficient product development process. Additionally, by having a clear metric to track our progress, we were able to make data-driven decisions and prioritize initiatives that had the most significant impact on the user and business experiences. This ultimately led to improved marketplace efficiency and better overall performance of our products.

Interviewer: That's fantastic to hear! It's clear that you have a strong background in product management and have successfully tackled various challenges related to marketplace efficiency and delivering delightful experiences. Is there anything else you would like to share or any other experiences that you think would be relevant to the role of a Group Product Manager in logistics and routing?

Candidate: I think we've covered the most relevant experiences, but I would like to highlight my academic background in operations management and marketing, as well as my experience in coaching and mentoring product professionals. These experiences have provided me with a strong foundation in strategic planning, organizational leadership, and analytics, which are essential skills for driving innovation and efficiency in any product management role.

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