7-38-55 Rule

Body Language and Tone

This week I ran a group coaching session on executive presence. As I prepared my presentation, I was reminded that body language matters more than what we say when it comes to executive presence. There is actually a rule for it. The 7-38-55 Percent Rule. (Some argue the rule, but I can tell you when someone’s delivery lacks modulation, they lose me - and most interviewers).

In communication, your words only count for a small percentage of your impact. The pitch and tone of the voice, the speed and rhythm of the spoken words, and the pauses between those words may tell more than what is being communicated by the words alone. But more importantly, your body language is your tell.

  • Body Language 55%

  • Tone of Voice 38%

  • Words We Use 7%

As you prepare for your interviews, remember they read how you hold yourself. Also, avoid distracting earrings, clothing, or backgrounds. If your camera makes you look dark or washed out, fix it - my problem with my Pixelbook.


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