Interview Coaching
one-on-one. customized. success.
Looking at supporting your needs, I customize the coaching to what your focus requires. Your sessions will help with your frameworks, while providing you with advice and constructive feedback.
I offer strategic planning, career, and interview coaching.
benefits. support. access.
Based on what your needs are, depends on how we structure the sessions. I will also provide access to worksheets, drills, and self-guided course materials.
individual. in-depth. session.
Our packages can cover whether you require just one session, or if you need multiple sessions to uncover the support you need as well as the materials you need access to.
One Session
Customized Coaching w/email Support Between Sessions
Case and Behavioral Styles
Mock Interviews with Feedback Followup
Process & Tricks Explained
Five Sessions
Customized Coaching w/email Support Between Sessions
Case and Behavioral Styles
Mock Interviews with Feedback Followup
Process & Tricks Explained
Ten Sessions
Customized Coaching w/email Support Between Sessions
Case and Behavioral Styles
Mock Interviews Over Time
Process & Tricks Explained
What you get.
I customize sessions to your needs. I will help you with frameworks, advice and constructive feedback. I offer strategic planning, career and interview coaching.
Based on your needs, I also provide access to worksheets, drills and self-guided course materials.
Below I address some common questions.
Interview vs Career Coaching
Q: You provide both interview prep and general PM career coaching. What is the difference between your coaching services?
For PM Interview Coaching, there is a common approach. Mostly it revolves around helping candidates learn and master commonly used interview frameworks. But in the process, I also end up helping people become better PMs, mostly by improving their communication skills.
For PM Career Coaching, it all depends on individual needs. I can coach PMs at all stages of their careers. I focus more on mid and senior-level PM leaders from ICs to CPOs and everything in between.
Timing Questions
Q: What is your coaching approach over an extended period of time?
I think there are two parts to this question: (1) frequency of sessions and (2) session composition.
For Interview Coaching, it depends on deadlines. I have had clients work with me every day for 10 to 14 days when there is a tight deadline. I have also seen people work with me once a week for months at a time and everything in between. I highly recommend clients leverage the free mock interview groups to practice with others in between working with me.
For Career Coaching, I am very flexible. I find that most people want weekly access for a minimum of 3 months, after that it depends. There are many leaders who work with a coach weekly, if you can afford it, I believe it is worth the money. I have periods where I work closely with my own coach.
Session Composition
For Interview Coaching, most sessions are mock interviews where I listen, provide feedback and occasionally provide direction on problem areas mid-mock. That said, some sessions are pure instruction or drilling in place of mocks to reinforce concepts a candidate is struggling with. Depending on the program, candidates have access to materials and recordings.
For Career Coaching, there is a lot of listening on my part during these sessions. My style is that of a mentor-coach. Which means I help you think through your problems but in many cases I have experienced your struggles first hand and can give you advice or share experiences as illustrations. I also have a large number of tools I share to help you navigate complexities at work.
Type of Help
Q: What aspects can you help me improve on?
For Interview Coaching, I can help you improve on the following question types:
Product Design/Sense
Product Craft/Execution/Analytics (think metrics, estimation and trade off questions)
Hypothetical/Framework: Prioritization and other question types
For Career Coaching, I can help you improve on any aspect of being a product manager. Since 80% of what PMs do is communicate cross-functionally, a large part of what I do is help my clients improve their communication skills within product organizations of all sizes. But if you are struggling with skill sets such as product measurement or prioritization, I can also help with that as well. I have also helped a few people change roles from engineer or sales to product management by teaching practical skills.
How Long Will It Take
Q: How long will it take?
For Interview Coaching, it depends. Everyone is different. Some key factor that impact your speed of readiness include:
Working full-time or Studying full-time
Previous experience
Product Case Strengths (this is the core question type for most)
Comfort with Metrics
Communication Issues
Time Pressure
For behavioral only interviews it can take 2 to 6 weeks to prepare. For Meta & Google 3 to 6 months prep is very, very common. I prefer to think in terms of how many mocks you have done. If you are studying full-time for interviews you can do 80 mocks in 6 weeks and so it can talk 4 to 6 weeks, but if you are working full-time that is less realistic.
For Career Coaching, it all depends on what your goals and struggles are. I can work with you for a few weeks, months or years. Many people are looking for weekly support for 3 or so months, then less frequent help after that. I personally think working with a coach every week or two is generally a great practice but it is not for everyone. Also your need for support ebbs and flows. I believe I can make you a better PM leader with weekly support, but length and cadence is up to you. If you want to set a goal and bound the help to accomplishing your goal, we can also work together that way. Everyone is different and I try to modify my programs to what each person needs.
Get in touch.
If you have questions before buying, book 15 mins with me to discuss options. (If you have questions about timing, etc. please take two minutes and fill out one of the assessment forms before our call, that will help me better assess how I can best help you.)