Simulate Interview Nerves

I have had some people not want to participate in group mocks because they get nervous. I say: That is wonderful. Getting nervous is great.

Getting Nervous is Good

Why? Because when you get nervous during preparations, you have the advantage of understanding how you will perform under pressure. If you feel comfortable with all your mock interview partners, you are not preparing properly. If you can simulate nerves, you will be better off on the day of your interview.

Embrace That Annoying Partner

If there is someone in your mock group or rotation that makes you mad or frustrated, great. See what that feels like and how you naturally react. That will prepare you for interview day when you have a high likelihood of getting someone across the table from you that you can't figure out how to read.

Test. Learn. Repeat.

One benefit of mock interviews that we sometimes forget is seeing how we handle nerves. A group mock can increase your stress level and help you stress test your process. If you have become comfortable with 1:1 mocks, seeking stress in groups can be good. If you have become comfortable with your core practice group, add someone new. Keep the nerves coming so you learn how to manage them.


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