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PM Interview Grading Advice Series

When people start mock interviewing, they are often unsure of how to grade/give feedback. Many candidates ask me how to grade their mock partners, so I wrote this series.

Who Should Read This

While the main audience is those looking to give mock interview feedback, this can help people new to PM interviewing or those trying to interview again after a break.

Don’t Worry About Qualifications

As a human, you are an expert in grading the most fundamental part of an interview response because you can decide whether or not what was said makes sense or not.

That may sound basic, but most people get nervous in interviews, and they may not make sense to you (it makes sense in their brain but doesn’t translate or is too much to focus on.) Since 80% of what a PM does is communicate, particularly cross-functionally, the most basic feedback about making sense is fair game.

In fact, my grandmother, who knew nothing about tech, an assistant bank manager for decades, used to give me some of the best feedback as I was trying to prepare for interviews. If it doesn’t make sense to you, telling the candidate that they rambled or had some good points, but you got lost in their delivery is amazingly helpful feedback.

Looking for More?

This is a master list of each of the articles. If there is another one you want, please email me at

Basics on Mock Interview Feedback

More specific feedback based on question type:

Additional Resources