Grading Advice No. 2: Design Elements

Over the years, I have identified good/bad lists of responses for Design Cases. Here are a few of the things interviewers are looking for, even if they can’t articulate it exactly as I have below.

As you read the lists, ask yourself, how often do I find myself falling into the bad descriptions?

Clarifying Questions

The Good

  • Start with the essence of the prompt

  • Confirm company (if not clear)

  • Confirm budget without begging

The Bad

  • Fishing not Strategic questions

  • Not asking about the actual prompt

  • Start with location questions

  • Ask about location when it doesn’t have major impact

  • Ask for goal or users to be handed to you

  • Confusing or vague ask around MVP to end-run the budget ask

  • Started with budget question, not core problem

  • Ask more than 3 to 5 questions (3 is ideal)

  • Don’t ask any questions

Strategic Why

The Good

  • Discuss Trends: Users & Tech

  • Set mission/goal

  • If setting goal: focused on User

  • Display an understanding of why the space is important 

  • Prioritize a single use case without sounding like a robot going through a list

  • (may push goal off until later in case)

The Bad

  • No Insights/Trends 

  • Didn't address why this is an important or interesting problem

  • Confused mission and goal

  • Too focused on business goals and not focused enough on user problems

  • No strategic overview done at all

  • No mention of competition


The Good

  • Motivational-focused grouping related to prompt

  • Behavioral-focused grouping related to prompt

  • Follow the Rule of Three

  • Structured but not too frameworky

  • User Journey is strong, clear, and concise

  • Pain Points clearly identified

  • Pain Points prioritized naturally

  • Goal refined before moving forward

The Bad

  • Segment based on demographics (age, income level, etc)

  • Not using behavioral or motivational groupings

  • Less than 3 or more than 4 groupings/segments

  • No prioritization of users

  • Prioritization sounds too robotic (framework-y) 

  • Considering designing for multiple users

  • User Journey skipped and no empathy displayed (you don’t have to do a user journey but pain points need to show high empathy)

  • Mixing user motivation and situational context


The Good

  • 3 Solutions or 3 Features

  • Xreative ideas

  • L/M/H creativity showing a range of ideas

  • Walk thru user experience/explain design

  • Natural, conversational prioritization

  • Addressing trade offs 'inline

The Bad

  • Derivative: basically providing an idea that is already in the market, lacking creativity

  • Not thinking big

  • More than 3 ideas

  • Pitfall: Focusing on Marketing not Features

  • Pitfall: Not talking about tradeoffs

  • Pitfall: Running out of time before presenting trade offs

Communication (Overall)

The Good

  • Concise

  • Gathering thoughts appropriately

  • Clear structure without being too frameworky

  • Timing: 20-30 mins

The Bad

  • Rambling

  • Framework is too obvious and robotic

  • Pitfall: Not Gathering thoughts

  • Pitfall: Not summarizing in sections

  • Pitfall: Not Sharing Thoughts

Related Articles:


Grading Advice No. 3: Failure Questions


Grading Advice No. 1: Behaviorals