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Finding an AI Chatbot for Creators

I was on a mission to find an AI chatbot that would leverage the blogs on my website and my newsletter to answer questions, almost a search replacement. Most chatbots are designed to help you with customer support, so I kept running into walls as I tested chatbots for my pain point. This week, I finally found the product I have been looking for. It is called CreatorMind. (I wrote a more specific review on the product here.)

I have been passionate about finding an AI chatbot for my work and clients since November 2022 when OpenAI made a splash. My early attempt here. Special thanks to Anthony Diké for making it happen.

The Winner

The name says it all:


Who is this for: Creators

Sites They Support: Substack, Ghost, Squarespace, WordPress.

Problem They Solve: Giving every Creator their own AI Bot that directs followers and customers to their content quickly, crediting and linking to their articles. Creation takes minutes, no more.

What Makes Them Standout in the Crowd: Single-minded focus on the Creator. Most ChatBots are for sales, customer support, and customer success. Like Substack, they have a focus.

What About Design: It is simple, white and clean. It couldn’t be easier to use. Low friction.

What don’t you Like: They are iterating as we speak, so I hate to list anything. I will say that I believe adding video and audio will be tricky, but they will need to figure that out as the second big push. Thinking Podcasts, YouTube and TikTok are likely requests once they get PMF for Substack and traditional blogs.

How Much: $15/m. This is the sweet spot for Creators and solopreneurs. I pay roughly $10 to $15 a month for most things in my tech stack.

The Others

I would have continued to look for more, but nothing came close so I stopped. These are products I considered before I found CreatorMind.


Who is this for: Creators

This product seemed promising on the surface, but it only covers

  • files

  • copy + paste text

  • YouTube videos

Since I don’t have enough YouTube videos yet, I can’t leverage it. And I don’t have time to upload individual files and keep things updated, since I post almost daily.

What kind of Creators can this help?

I imagine the problem statement for their target users goes something like: I want people to query my data as if they were talking to a human without paying too much for it.

  • YouTube Creators

  • SMBs with product instructions that don’t change daily

  • Academic wishing to make massive documents searchable

Cost: Decent freemium model. The $10/m package is pretty good for a SMB with purpose. You can create 2 bots.


Who is this for: Companies that want to answer customer service questions

What I Love: Seems to take the entire room

Where I Had to Stop: The answers seemed to be more ChatGPT than from my website. The results did not link to my full content.


Who is this for: Company with at least an engineer on the payroll.

On the pricier side for a solopreneur. It starts at $25/m. If you are worried about proving interest before paying for the full solution, this might not be your best option.

What I love:

The setup involves a little more friction but it helps you think about what you are setting and hope to get. I particularly liked being asked to create a backstory for the bot to help set its tone and purpose. We want to be careful when adding friction in a product, but I think the team did this one well.

There are a ton of models to select from, which might be a bit much for the average solopreneur. But they do have nice explainers in very simple, practical terms.

Where I Had to Stop

For now, I need something more plug-and-play. I needed to connect to a dataset and a skillset, which means, I need to do more research before I can set this up. I am looking for something that can connect to my website without me doing too much work.

Didn’t Work for Me

Ora - seems to be for creating jokes, if I can link to my content, it is not obvious.

Bonfire - Website didn’t really tell me what it did. I ran into login issues, not enough to entice me to keep trying. It seems like a customer service solution.

MyAskAA - Integrations are Notion and Google Drive. Not a solution for me, so I went looking elsewhere. If you have your data on Notion or Google Drive, it could be great. Seems good for individuals and businesses with specific data that starts in data, not for Creators with blogs, unless a copy of every blog is on Notion or Google Drive. - Great option if you need live chat. I might come later, but this article is a search for a bot to answer questions from my created content. I think they are pivoting their approach. Website says comeback later. I have seen a lot of this, and it is natural given all we still need to learn and explore with AI today.

askGenie Certificate expired, so none of my web browsers will let me test it currently. It looks like it has been out of sync for 3 days. I hope someone is looking at their logs.