Product Review: CreatorMind

This is part of a series where I review products to encourage product managers to do the same to improve their product sense.

Today I am writing about my new FAVORITE product. I finally found someone solving a problem I have been trying to hack for 10+ months. An easy-to-use Chatbot for Creators.

I found it in CreatorMind.

Key Details

Who is this for: Creators (writers currently)

Sites They Support: Substack, Ghost, Squarespace, WordPress.

Problem They Solve: Giving every Creator their own AI Bot that directs followers and customers to their content quickly, crediting and linking to their articles. Creation takes minutes, no more.

What Makes Them Standout in the Crowd: Single-minded focus on the Creator. Most ChatBots are for sales, customer support, and customer success. Like Substack, they have a focus.

What About Design: It is simple, white and clean. It couldn’t be easier to use. Low friction.

What don’t you Like: They are iterating as we speak, and turning feedback around so quickly, I hate to list too much at this point. I will keep updating once they get more traction. I will say that I believe adding video and audio will be tricky, but they will need to figure that out as the second big push. Thinking Podcasts, YouTube, and TikTok are likely requests once they get PMF for Substack and traditional blogs.

The short list of things I struggled as I experiment:

  • You need a different bot for every source (I have 3)

  • You need to manually update (not too bad but I want a regular refresh, ideally when I post, but at least once a day.)

  • They automatically assume your chatbot has a person’s name.

    • I can’t call my chatbot Wendy-Lynn’s Leadership Chatbot because they turn that into: Wendy-Lynn’s Leadership’s Chatbot.

How Much: $15/m. This is the sweet spot for Creators and solopreneurs. I pay roughly $10 to $15 a month for most things in my tech stack.

What is the Output Like?

I have created two bots. I hope to eventually put it all in one, but as of the writing of this article, they were working out the kinks for my multi-blog situation. Most creators only have one blog but I have too major blogs and a newsletter.

Interview Prep Chatbot

This is based on my Substack newsletter. When they figure out the two blogs thing, it will be based on my interview prep-specific blog.

Give it a spin here.

Product Leadership

This is based on my Squarespace blog on product leadership.

Give it a spin here.

How accurate is it?

Right now, it is pretty good but doesn’t always bring up what I want. My first query quoted knowledge from someone I quoted. It made me realize I need to write more on the topic.

Market Opportunity

This is product market fit for my problem. I imagine in the future, they will need to add YouTube and TikTok to help most creators but to start, there are plenty of people making a living on Substack so they can probably find product market fit quickly.

Product Market Fit

They need moer of me. Any of you who know how long I typically wait to pay for a product and how quickly I fire products, this is a big deal for me to pay up almost immediately. It is solving a job I had that needed to be done.

What is the biggest thing on your wish list?

I want to know what people are searching for. I will use that to write better articles or create courses or videos or podcasts. But I bet that insight is a long way down the road.

As with any good product that solves a problem, we spread the word. So, if you know anyone who is a Creator, share this article. And if you are so inclined, give them an upvote on Product Hunt.

To learn more about my search for a Creator chatbot, check out this piece.

A few things to help CreatorMind:

  • Forward this to your Creator friends

  • Give them an Up Vote on Product Hunt


Barriers to Effective Communication


Finding an AI Chatbot for Creators