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Metrics: Rules of the Road

The following is a list of basic advice when you are preparing for product management interviews where they ask you to list metrics for success or generally dive into how to measure products.

Please remember, in real life it is never this simple but when trying to explain complex concepts in an interview you have to keep it simple.

  1. North Star Metric - “The one metric that matters.” While in reality we don’t use just one metric but it tests your knowledge and POV to answer they hypothetical in an interview. If this is a new concept for you, read more here.

  2. Supporting Metrics - 3 to 5 metrics (looking at positive behaviors you want to see) that support the north star

  3. Counter Metrics - What could be gamed or go wrong. In social platforms, fraud is a great go-to metric. Think: # of flagged posts per d/w/m.

  4. Ecosystem Guardrail Metrics - Is the rest of the ecosystem healthy. I like ads rev and time spent/# posts seen as go to.

  5. When to use ratios and when to avoid them - listen to learn more. This lesson is best learned by making the mistake or learning from someone else who makes a mistake.

  6. Marketplace Liquidity - Learn the concept, it will be crucial if you are interviewing with marketplace products. Learn more here: From Clever Road & Tech Crunch on Marketplace Liquidity

  7. Common Mistakes in Metrics Interviews: Read Here

  8. Other Resources - A collection of Wendy-Lynn’s articles on metrics