Prompt of the Day: Complex Cross-Functional Product

This is part of a series on product management interview prompts.

Question: Tell me about a complex cross-functional product/project you have worked on.

  • Source: Various

  • Advice: This is typically asked when the interviewer is worried about seniority of the product manager or because the role has some complex partnerships that need to be mananged.

I am sharing a general description of the challenges I am thinking about discussing. These are not proper introductions. I am sharing because sometimes my clients find knowing the general type of situation I use as an example is inspiring, helping them find an example from their own career to use during their interviews.

  • My (working) Answer: Talk about working at Google for a local search design revamp and I had to get buying from 5 different cross-functional teams. I will talk about keeping everyone informed. I will also address how knowing what stresses them and their concerns helped me communicate better.

The Series List


Prompt of the Day: Why this role at this company?


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