Planning for Talent Review: Advocate for Yourself Daily

The best way to prepare for your review is to start from the beginning and communicate what you accomplish . (1) Set Goals, (2) Share your Goals (3) Earn Trust (4) Share Widely.

More specifically:

1. Set Goals: When you start your role, start with the end in mind, work backwards from the impact you're aiming for—that you want your leadership team to refer when they review you. Come up with a S.M.A.R.T. goals that show how you are measuring success.

2. Share goals with your manager and their peers. It is easier to advocate for you if others know your name. Don’t just share to be heard, be open to input and support. Keep key stakeholders regularly updated with your progress. Celebrate each milestone, even ones that seem small.

3. Earn Trust: How and What you do is important. Be sure to earn trust with stakeholders, keep moving forward (simplify and escalate past obstacles), and focus on the customer. How you earn trust is different from company to company, at Amazon it is about leadership principles, for Google it was about documenting your efforts in a detailed way.

4. Share Widely: Share learnings across your larger organization for other teams to benefit, look beyond your goal at how much bigger it could be in the future, and share your vision with leadership. I highly advocate for the Call Out.


Danny Sheridan - August 25


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