Helpful PM Templates

After winning their dream jobs, many PMs land in roles where they don’t get enough support or don’t want to look silly so they often ask me, which template is best for X problem. So I am starting a collection of my favorites. This is very much a WIP.


Google/Yelp Style PRD

While I used PR/FAQs at Amazon, at Yelp and Google the Product Requirements Document PRD ruled. PMs and Engineers often created them to start a discussion on a new initiative. You don’t have to fill out every section to get started and/or to start sharing. But you should update all major parts before launch. It is a living document. One of my favorite additions is the ‘non-goal’ so that people don’t over index on the wrong thing or go down rabbit holes.

Amazon/Microsoft Use Case Tracking Tool

I was inspired to create this after working with an amazing TPM at Amazon (he had developed it while working at Microsoft). One of my all time favorite TPMs.

General Lists

Lenny’s Newsletter - One of the more famous list of resources in the PM community. I haven’t used them all but many people swear by them.

Have a favorite template I am missing, please share and I will add it to the list.


Strategy Resource: Videos + Lean Product Canvas


Planning for Talent Review: Advocate for Yourself Daily