Networking Trick: 15 min Chat Requests

Today I was reminded of the beauty of the 15-minute “coffee chat.”

When you are looking for a new role, particularly in a highly competitive field or at a highly competitive time (like during a recession), it is helpful to ask someone for 15-minutes of their time to chat.

Go into the conversation looking to speak with someone new and learn something, nothing more. Most of the time, they will offer to connect you to someone else but don’t ask for it outright. Those who connect just to beg for a job referral often turn people off.

What To Do

  1. Explain that you are seeking to learn something new in your effort to do X (new job or learn about a problem space)

  2. Share how you found them

  3. Have three simple questions ready to go

  4. Keep it to 15 minutes

  5. Leave wiggle room for the conversation to go over

  6. Have your resume ready to follow up

  7. If they mention something they need help with, offer to connect them to someone in your network (and follow through)

What Not To Do

  1. Don’t ask for a referral

  2. Don’t ask them to solve a problem for you.

Sample Questions

  1. I am trying to learn more about X space, can you share with me your thoughts on what is most challenging in X space right now?

  2. What recommendations do you have for someone trying to break into product?

  3. What do you think are the most important traits of a product manager?

  4. I am passionate about X company, can you tell me what are the most important traits they look for in a new candidate?

  5. I read your article X and I wanted to learn more about Y. Can you share your insights?

What are your favorite coffee chat prompts? Email me with suggestions @


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