Just Like IRL: User Segmentation for Cases

TL:DR - When you segment users for case prompts, it is the act of mimicking what you do in real life. It is easy to forget but we don’t launch our first product for everyone.

In case interviews, many candidates get confused and feel as if narrowing down to a user persona is blasphemy. But is in fact what they need to do so that they can come up with some creative ideas of how to solve an unmet need.

In real life, you wouldn’t build a product to solve for all users. You would identify a key segement to start with. For example, if you were building a product for finding professionals, you would probably find one professional group to start with. This has two advantages, you can think about the needs of the core consume as well as focus your efforts to find the right suppliers. For example, starting with lawyers or plumbers, you can see the search process and the supplier outreach would be fairly different depending on which group you select.

You should do the same in case interviews.

This means starting with a niche user that is actually underserved could be the best place to start. It isn’t about finding a large group, claiming TAM (total addressable market) is large and that is why you are focusing on them. You are focusing on the unsolved need.

Remember, product-led companies are successful becuase they solve an unmet need differently than the competition. In many spaces, you need to think (or double click) to see the unsolved problem just as a PM does in their day job.

Common Problems:

  1. Confusing Users and Audiences

  2. Thinking (Crude) Demographics


Prompt: Design a product for travelers.

Candidate Attempt: Confusing Users and Audiences

  1. Travelers

  2. Travel Agents

  3. Airlines

Candidate’s Better Attempt: Thinking Demographics

  1. Singles

  2. Couples

  3. Families


  1. Kids

  2. Adults

  3. Senior Citizens

My Advice: Think mindset and/or Behaviors

  1. The Planner - Every minute planned for two weeks

  2. The Stable but Flexible Traveler - Hotels booked but not all events booked

  3. The Adventure Seeker - Book hotel or hostel from tarmac of country visiting

Articles on User Segmentation

User vs. Business Perspective

User Segmentation: Motivation, Mindset & Behavior

Use Case vs. User Persona

Stakeholders vs. Users

IRL User Segmentation

User vs Business Perspective

Prioritizing Users

The Super-Specific Who

Build for the Users, Not the Business

JTBD: Helpful Articles


Product Case vs Real Life


Root Cause Analysis Frameworks