G.A.M.E. Framework

There are very different modes of learning. As a coach, I know that my frameworks are helpful but not for everyone. When there is a framework people love, I will happily share it, along with my caveats.

In this case, we are discussing a metrics framework. The most common and popular one I know of is called G.A.M.E. Which stands for:

  • Goals

  • Actions

  • Metrics

  • Evaluation

Let’s break that down for a moment:

  • Goals: Establish simple English goals that explain the what you are trying to accomplish

  • Actions: List the core actions a user takes

  • Metrics: List how you will measure those actions and outcomes of those actions

  • Evaluation: Self-reflect on what you have said


Now, lets talk about common pitfalls with this model.

  • Goals:

    • Too Business Focused

    • Calling Engagement your goal

      • it can be at a high-level but not the point of thi exercise. State it but get to simple English description of the goal

  • Actions: List the core actions a user takes

    • Listing too many actions

    • Being so focused on actions you forget outputs and outcomes

  • Metrics: List how you will measure those actions and outcomes of those actions

    • Forgetting the time period

    • Not being able to prioritize metrics

    • Not knowing when to measure daily vs. weekly, for example

  • Evaluation: Self-reflect on what you have said

    • Having memorized AARRR metrics and not knowing why you use them

    • Confusing Growth metrics vs. Core metrics

References & Suggested Reading:


Google Prompts: Product Design & Insights


SUSS: A Product Design/Sense Framework