Different Perspectives on PM Interviews

I generally think my frameworks and approaches for PM interviewing are fairly strong. I have helped hundreds of people land their dream jobs at top tech companies. But, not everyone is the same. I don’t know everything. Every interviewer is different. AND some people need to hear an ever so slightly different wording of what they should or shouldn’t do.

I have often had candidates come to me and say, well some one in my last mock told me X and it really helped me. When I ask them, how was that different from what I was saying and they often realize, well nothing really. I am not offended, just trying to figure out if I need to tweak things.

Embracing the most important point, if it helps you learn, I don’t care where it comes from, I have begun recording the following list of resources that are not mine in the event it helps you.

If you know of an article or resource that helped you that you believe I should share, please email me: intrico.io@gmail.com

General Interview Approaches

  • The Art & Science of Interviewing - YouTube Vidoes (Free >> Paywall)

    • Why I like it: Says almost the same things I do in just a slightly different manner. Of all the others out there providing interview advice, this is my favorite.

    • What to watch out for: More Meta/Facebook focus than Google but still generally spot on.

  • Dianna Yao - YouTube Videos

    • Why I like it: If you are going for Meta L4/L5, her advice is great. I use her as a guide for myself when prepping for Meta-style PM interviews. She has started posting regular content so keep an eye out.

    • What to watch out for: Very Meta heavy, if you are going for Google watch out. Also, I strongly disagree with some of her approaches for most of my clients as they are too complex and they come off sounding too robotic.

Google Specific

  • Analytics

    • Why I like it: From an ex-Googler that seems to have been a tough interviewer. The analytics questions are notoriously confusing, Julia does a nice job of explaining good and bad answers. Nice samples and comentary. (But I will admit, it is a bit long.)

    • What to Watch for: I don’t agree with all her judgements or decisions, but that is the point. Within Google the PMs have a lot of latitude to create and grade interviews as they see fit.

Meta/Facebook Specific

General Advice


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