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Common Metrics Mistakes

One of the most common product management interview questions is “Assume you are the PM for X product. How would you measure success?”

I address how to answer the questions in other locations. In today’s article, I want to discuss common mistakes according to the three most important parts of the interview.

  1. Product

  • Over-explaining what the product does or how it works. Remember: Keep it simple.

  • Taking up too much time showing your strategic chops and thus not leaving yourself enough time for the core part of the case.

  • Assuming it is the only question you will get, sometimes yes but not always.


  • Confusing User Focus & Business Focus of your goals. It is good to state both.

  • Writing a S.M.A.R.T. goal you can’t measure in a case.

  • Confusing goals and metrics. A goal is a simple English description of what the users wants/needs.

  • Not addressing the needs of both sides of a marketplace.


  • Listing too many metrics

  • Not having three parts to a metric

    • most common error is forgetting the time period

    • almost as common is not saying count vs average, etc.

  • Using percentages as North Star

  • Using too many percentages

  • Trying to show off and creating overly complex metrics. (this used to be my Achilles heel.)

  • Stating MAU without explaining want is ‘Active’

  • Confusing Counter metrics vs. guardrail metrics.

  • Calling engagement a metric, it is a category, and you need more details.