listen. evaluate. master.
Mock Interview Rental
design. prompt. google-style.
Design a trash can.
Level: L5/L6
Prompt: Design a trash can.
Physical Object
Ambiguous while being oddly specific
Everyone uses it, needs identification throws some off
I would consider this an L4 or L5 prompt and response.
It is simple and straightforward.
The response is more focused on design than strategy.
It was selected because it is a good way to warm up.
The answer has more rambling than I like, would be forgiven more for L4/L5 but borderline for tough L6 grader.
But could pass for some L6 graders. -
Can you hear the differences?
Do you have a favorite or preferred approach?
Would you give a Hire vs No Hire?
What levels would you hire this candidate for?
Coaches note: The challenges and criteria are hidden to allow the listener to decide on their own before considering the coach’s advice.
Evaluation Criteria
As you listen, think about how you would rate the coach leveraging the S.U.S.S Framework.
Clarifying Questions
Framework Overview
Insights: User & Tech
User Journey
Pain Points
List Solutions
Three Metrics
Identify North Star
Formatting Notes
No Partner: There is no one 'mocking' the ‘candidate’. I go through the motions assuming the answer to all questions is “You decide.” There are no probing questions from an interviewer.
Follow Along: The recording is set up to allow you to work alongside by pausing OR to just listen/view like a podcast, it is up to you. Leverage it for your preferred learning style.
The Recording
In this section, I share feedback on areas of concern.
Some points have already been covered in the recording, some are new observations.
Strong but I ramble on occasion.
Could have established a stronger connection with the user. The general nature of the problem seemed to hinder deep empathy.
I could have easily cut a couple things.
I could have jumped to the chase and said: Almost everyone cares. You're probably gonna have that person who hates trash, but also doesn't find any. Value in cleaning up after themselves, they would be the first ones I would focus on.”
Coach’s Reflections
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