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Evaluating Your New Product

You just started a new role. Your manager has asked you to evaluate your new product and provide your analysis of the current state of the product. It can sound overwhleming but don’t worry. Just think about it as you would providing feedback for a co-worker.

Rule of Three

Thinks about the simple rule of three of feedback: What is the person/product doing well, and should keep doing? What does the person/product need to start doing to be better? What does the person/product need to stop doing? =

Individual Feedback

When providing this feedback for an individual, I suggest keeping the stop, and start suggestions to only one or two things so as not to sound like a long list of faults. When evaluating a product, I recommend the old rule of three. If you only have one thing to stop doing. that is fine, but you should have at least three key things they are doing well and should keep doing and three things they should consider doing.

Product Notes

This shows strategic thinking.

  1. Keep Doing - This is what the team is doing well.

  2. Start Doing - These are strategic opportunities.

  3. Stop Doing - These are prioritization opportunities.

Document vs Slide Deck

The next question I get is, how do I present the product learnings? Quick Answer: Ask your boss. If they don’t tell you, look a the company culture. Are they a doc or a slide culture? Early on in a role, you want to communicate in ways they feel comfortable, even if you want to eventually change their minds.

Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash