Tip: Demystifying Estimation Prompts

Most candidates are scared and overwhelmed by estimation prompts. You don’t need to be. This is more about logic than numbers. Remember these quick tips and you will be fine:

  • First determine your key variables

  • You only need 2 to 3 variables at most

  • Share your high-level equation before moving forward

  • Sharing your logic for assumptions and framework is key

  • A clear breakdown of your methodology is most important

Common Mistakes:

  • Problems with Ambiguity: Uncomfortable making an estimate with limited information

  • Not Sense Checking: Not double-checking surprisingly large or small numbers

  • Diving too Deep: Spending too much time on a part of the estimate that won’t really affect the final number significantly

  • Too Much Too Soon: Jumping into the metric details too quickly

    • Candidates who define the behavior change early are more likely to pick a good metric on the first try.

Looking for help mastering the estimation question, reach out to me for a coaching session.


Metrics: What is the behavior you want to change?


Product Metrics: Self-Study Tool