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Strategic Planning Framework

A Three Part Framework for answering Strategic Planning and Roadmaping Take Home Projects (as well as planning your first 30-60-90 days in a new leadership role.

Stage 1: Interviews

  • Users

  • Design/Engineering

  • Cross-Function or External Partners

Stage 2: Gather Basic Requirements

  • Hypothesis about User Needs

  • Technical & Design Requirements for Hypothesis

  • Integration Requirements for Stakeholders/Partners

Stage 3: Prepare Plans + Start POC

  • Product Plan (PM Heads Down)

  • Product Roadmap Milestones (Coordinate with Engineering)

  • Get started on POC (Proof of Concept) or MVP

There is a through line for each of the three items in each stage

The Through Lines

Users >> Hypothesis >> Plan

Eng/Design >> Tech Requirements >> Roadmap Milestones

Stakeholders/Parnters >> Integration/Cross-Functional Requirements (GTM plans) >> POC/MVP