Product Sense: Focusing on Users First

Too many people come to me confident that their product sense answers are strong as the wax poetic about the business needs. I typically tell them they just failed because the sound as if they forgot the user need.

Today, I was reading this Substack post from Ravi Mehta talking about what to look for in your first product hire, and I thought: this is what people need to think about when setting up the strategic outline of their product sense/product insights case.

Ravi points out: product managers need to do the following (in this order):

  • Understand what customers want

  • Turning that into a working product that serves customers

  • Translating said product into a valuable asset for the business

Please keep this in mind as you work through your next product sense/insights case. Start with the customer/user, not the business. If you spend more time on the why a customer needs this than why this is good for the business, you are more likely to pass your next product sense interview.


User BEFORE Business


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