Product Insights: Identifying the Aha Moments

TL;DR - Aha Moments = Insights

One of the most important parts of a Google interview is identifying the Aha moments, or insights related to the prompt. In a previous article, I provided some drills to indentify insights based on a prompt. This is such an important concept, I wanted to revisit it.

Many candidates get soo hung up on the user segments that they miss the aha moments that will help them better select user segments.

Aha Moments can also be seen as user insights. For Google, interviewers are looking for candidates to identify insights, user and technology insights. The Product Design prompt is actually called “ Product Design & Insights.”

Example of Aha Moments

Prompt: Bookshelf for Kids

  • Digital books influence approaches to bookshelves today

  • Increase in parents wanting kids to unplug

  • Anything for kids also involves parents

  • Note: Design for the kids not for parents

Examples of Technology Insights

  1. Increased expectations Personalization

  2. Immersive Experiences

  3. Interactive Content


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