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Meta/Facebook Compound Execution Questions

You typically get asked 2 to 3 execution questions. One way to ask two questions is to ask a compound question. The following are examples of compound execution. They commonly come as three different combintations:

  1. Metrics for Success >> Trade-Off (most common)

  2. Metrics for Success >> Root Cause Analysis

  3. Trade-Off >> Metrics for Success

Metrics for Success >> Trade-Off (most common)

  • How would you decide if FB should invest in the space of Volunteering? Set success metrics. 

Metrics for Success >> Root Cause Analysis

  • What goals would you set for IG Reels? Imagine you come in one day and X metric (one you will have suggested) is down by Y%, what would you do?

Trade-Off >> Metrics for Success

  • What goals would you set for IG Reels? How would decide if you can introduce an "Ad Reel" after every 5th IG Reel video?