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Guide to Clarifying Questions

It is a bit deceptive but the most important part of the Product Case question for many candidates is the clarifying questions section. Why? 

  1. Get the info you need to move forward

  2. Show off strategic thinking

  3. Start thinking out loud

  4. Sound thoughtful rather than robotic

If you ask the right questions, you get all of the above. Asking questions isn’t just about showing that you are asking questions for the sake of asking, it sets you up for success. In addition to getting you the information you need to start off the prompt correctly, it shows you are thinking right away about the question, and it let you get started thinking out loud. If you sound thoughtful rather than robotic, you win quiet points with your interviewer.

Here are the links to 3 posts specifically focused on the clarifying question: 

  1. Diagraming Prompts

  2. Don’t Fish for Answers

  3. 5 Rules of Clarifying Questions

  4. Clarifying Questions Drills

  5. Direct Questions vs Assumptions