15 Google Phone Screen Prompts

The following are questions candidates were asked as part of phone screens. You can see the patterns of questions that mix product design & insights, strategic insights & analytics. Notice how often the favorite product comes up.

Example 1:

  • Estimate the number of YouTube users.

  • If the goal is to increase engagement, provide 3-4 features that will help reach the goal.

  • What metrics would you track to ensure that the engagement goal is being met with the features proposed?

Example 2:

  • Design a self-driving car for kids.

  • How would you build a investor pitch for this product?

  • How would you price the car?

  • What would be the revenue in year 1?

Example 3:

  • Think of a time you interacted with a government agency (passport, DMV etc). How would you make it better?

  • If you're the product owner for Google Inbox, what does your roadmap look like?

  • Estimate the number of mails that the city of San Francisco receieve.

Example 4:

  • What is your favorite Google product?

  • What are the success metrics for this product?

  • How would you increase this metrics usage/performance ?

  • How much could Google charge for every video uploaded on YouTube?

Example 5:

  • What keeps Sundar awake at night?

  • Tell me 3 products you use (Google/non-Google).

  • Improve 1 of them.

  • Estimate the TAM of chosen product

Example 6:

  • How would you create a playlist for a user after they listen to a single song?

    • Create a music service for kids

    • Estimate the market size of your segment.

    • Estimate the revenue of the service.

Example 7:

  • What's your favorite Google product and how would you improve it?

  • You are the PM for a product and you just launched the pilot. There is a competing priority on a new feature request and a bug that was found post launch. How will you decide which one to pick?

  • How would you create a playlist for a user after they listen to a single song?

Example 8:

  • What is your favorite product? How would you improve it?

  • Estimate the number of joggers in Central Park?

  • Design a feature for a collaboration tool that has to be released in 9 months?

Example 9:

  • What would you build if you're a startup in the Food Delivery space?

  • How do your solutions compare with what's in the market?

  • What success metrics would you measure?

Example 10:

  • Build a valet service for hotels

  • What is one product that has potential but has not done well

  • How do you deal with high demand in grocery stores?

Example 11:

  • What are your 3 favorite Google products?

  • Pick any one of them. How would you improve it?

Example 12:

  • What's your favorite product? Why do you like it?

  • If you were CEO, what metrics would you pick to see on a dashboard. North star?

  • If you were to develop a new product competing with it within 6 months, what would it be like?

  • What customer segment would you pick? What would be your marketing tactic for it?

Example 13:

  • Why AI is important to Google?

  • Which industry would AI have most potential?

  • Help first-time Airbnb hosts set the listing price?

Example 14:

  • Choose a product and what should you build next?

  • What is your metric for tracking?

  • How should you launch / GTM ?

Example 15:

  • You created a new technology* that allows you to collect every signal off of the human body - how would you use it? (5 use cases).

  • Calculate the storage your prioritized solutution would need in the first month.

*It is common to follow up these sensor questions with analytics when users for phone screen or strategy but can also be a design question.


What’s your favorite product?


Meta/Facebook Product Sense Prompts