Cliff Notes for Thinking Big

Every time you practice a product design case, you are potentially coming up with a solution you can use on game day. So, you should pay attention to your ideas and keep hold of the best ones.

Most solutions build on core ideas. Here are some frameworks or progressions from small to 10x that you can consider. The more MVP-focused are more appropriate for Meta than Google.

Core Concept: Search

  1. Search improvements - ways of improving refinements

    • think labeling data

    • surveys

    • drawdowns

  2. Recommendation Improvements

    • using features identified in the search improvements

  3. Interactive Experiences

    • AR/VR with interactions

    • composite characters that can feel like you are interacting with someone (think overdub advancements)

Core Concept: Gamification

  1. Suggested Action

    • Provide a suggested action to β€˜win’

  2. Rewards or Progress Milestones

    • Show progress through visual clues

  3. Competition

    • Create leaderboards

    • added rewards for milestones accomplished


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