Building Trust

When addressing behavioral questions around trust, I find it is helpful to have a framework.

Think about it:

  • How do you build trust when you join a team?

  • How do you build trust after a rough round of ‘disagree and commit’?

  • How do you will over a team when they can’t see your vision as clearly as you do?

I recommend three approaches:

  • Candid Communication

  • Curiosity

  • Proof of Execution

To dive in a little more:

  • When you are honest and candid, people trust you

  • To win people over, simply showing curiosity about what they care about will advance your goals more than you might imagine. We all want to work with someone who cares about what we are passionate about.

  • Where the rubber meets the road: Set execution goals and meet them, and you will be trusted as someone who gets things done. This lays the groundwork for getting people to follow you.


Talking About Change


Finding Failure Stories