5 Ideas in 5 Days: Hiker Fighting Bugs

This is part of a mini-series illustrating how to think creatively for interviews. It is also a way to build your product sense instincts.


  1. See a problem.

  2. Identify the quick problem statement/goal

  3. Identify a user to solve for

  4. Come up with three solutions

What you should avoid:

  1. Overthinking

  2. Being too grounded in reality

  3. Trying to follow the rules of the typical product interview

Now let’s dive in:

What is the problem: Hiking when there are soo many bugs out you literally run away from the bugs (yes, this happened to me this summer).

Goal: When bug spray isn’t enough, help deter bugs.

User: Hiker who doesn’t embrace all the discomforts of nature.

Three Solutions:

  1. MVP: A backpack attachment in the form of an arm that waves a large amount of bug balm around the area of your face deterring bugs in real-time. (This by the way was my manual workaround = without a mechanical arm, to keep bugs away when wearing the balm wasn’t enough).

  2. Netting Attached to Backpack Imagine bug netting that you can put over your face but still see through. It is attached to the top of your backpack, and you can engage it like a convertible top on a car.

  3. Noise Making App: Don’t know if it will work (and might harm other animals but…) Imagine a setting on your phone that emits a frequency the mosquitos hate.

If you don’t use a SUP, try picking a sport you enjoy and come up with a problem and three solutions. Maybe it is golfing or running. Go for it.


5 Ideas in 5 Days: Recipe Finder


5 Ideas in 5 Days: Doorknob for Toddler