Know your Communication Style

When listing strengths and weaknesses, some people who are systematic or considerate, often list a weakness as not speaking up enough or not pushing their ideas strongly, in part because feedback from their manager is that they aren’t assertive enough.

But a lot of the times, it is not that they have a weakness but rather that their communication style is more reserved and in a Type A environment, they may be made to see it as a weakness.

I encourage those folks to self-reflect on different communication styles. It can be a weakness in certain situations and a strength in other situations.

Ask yourself, is it your weakness or the weakness of the business environment? It is ok to talk about the challenge of being systematic in a culture or role where the direct style dominates.

The four communication styles are as follows:

  1. Direct - Think Type A person who speaks up quickly and drives the room to decisions quickly.

  2. Spirited - That spontaneous sales person who hugs everyone

  3. Systematic - Has the brilliant solution 3 days after the problem is presented

  4. Considerate - Takes care of everyone before themselves.

Most of us are some combination of these traits but as you read below, you can see how the stronger, more outgoing traits dominate workplace definitions of success.

  1. Direct

    Assertive but not necessarily expressive


    • Takes charge

    • Gets results

    • Likes competition


    • May be poor listener

    • May become impatient with others

  2. Spirited

    Assertive and expressive


    • Generates excitement

    • Is spontaneous

    • Is persuasive


    • May exaggerate

    • May become overdramatic

  3. Systematic

    Not assertive and not expressive


    • Makes decisions based on facts

    • Is analytical

    • Stays clam an rational


    • May become bogged down with details

    • May be impersonal

  4. Considerate

    Expressive but not assertive


    • Listens actively

    • Considers others’ feelings

    • Is patient


    • May avoid conflict

    • May give in easily

Further reading: Just google it.


Habit: Keep It Simple


Habit: Customize Communications