
The following are questions reported from Yelp PM Interviews. You will notice a few patterns. Questions around search and ads. Particularly how to determine the number of ads to show. This is a little design and a little execution.


  • How would you increase the number of reviews on Yelp by 10x in the next year?

  • Improve Yelp Search.

  • How would you improve Yelp for Business?

  • Favorite product and how would you improve it

  • Design a food delivery app.

  • Brainstorm and prioritize ideas to address long wait time at an amusement park.


  • How would you decide how many ads to show on a Yelp page?

  • How many Ads do you add in each listing page? (What are the parameters to decide the maximum ads per listing page?)

  • What do you think is the most important metric for a product manager?


  • Tell me about a project you own it from ideation to execution phase.

  • Walk me through your product process.

Additional Resources:

Prompt List: Exponent

Prompt List: Prepfully

Article: Thinking through Improving Yelp


Square Block

