The following are questions reported from Yelp PM Interviews. You will notice a few patterns. Questions around search and ads. Particularly how to determine the number of ads to show. This is a little design and a little execution.
How would you increase the number of reviews on Yelp by 10x in the next year?
Improve Yelp Search.
How would you improve Yelp for Business?
Favorite product and how would you improve it
Design a food delivery app.
Brainstorm and prioritize ideas to address long wait time at an amusement park.
How would you decide how many ads to show on a Yelp page?
How many Ads do you add in each listing page? (What are the parameters to decide the maximum ads per listing page?)
What do you think is the most important metric for a product manager?
Tell me about a project you own it from ideation to execution phase.
Walk me through your product process.
Additional Resources:
Prompt List: Exponent
Prompt List: Prepfully
Article: Thinking through Improving Yelp