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Notes: Another Product Sense Framework

After listening to Diana Yao’s advice/playlist on Product Sense interviews, I made the following observations. Much of her framework overlaps my S.U.S.S. Framework but she shares a unique Meta-focus to her advice.

The Key Parts of the Product Sense Case


  • Trends

  • Opportunities

  • Strengths & Weaknesses


  • Map out Ecosystem

  • Segment

  • Prio

  • Beware using too many things to rank


  • Behavior is better than Demo (see my article on User Segments)

  • MECE User Groupings

  • Avoid super Niche (I don’t always agree here)

  • Noticeably different pain points

    • Specialty vs Generalist

Which Segments to Prioritize

  • TAM (I don’t go for this first, I think underserved trumps this)

  • Freq of Use

  • Underserved Population

  • Spend >> rev potential

Pain Points

  • User Journey

  • ID Pain Points

  • Prio Pain

Prio Pain Points 

  • TAM

  • How painful

  • The Competition

Note: Multiple pain points are OK but I have found FB interviewers 


Pain Points


Borrow from other verticals

Note: I like the thinking big exercises

Common Problems

  1. Too scripted

  2. Too many questions

    1. Qs that don’t matter >> tight constraints >> Mobile, etc

    2. Good Qs: Competition >> during Covid

    3. Share Structure

      1. Don’t over scope >> don’t add metrics (but it can come up so practice)

  3. Too much nudging required

  4. Decisions sound subjective


  1. Motivation

  2. User Segmentation

  3. Pain Points

  4. Solutions


  • If they say you decide between company x and startup, explain strategic reasoning for picking

Four Reasons

  1. Aligned with Mission

  2. Strengths of Company

  3. Market Opportunity (think TAM)

  4. Competitive Advantage


User Segmentation

  • Multisided

  • Avoid Subjective Criteria >> Quantify

  • Objective would be

    • Size

    • Freq

    • Willingness to spend

  • Not MECE

Pain Points

  • Needs vs Pain Points

  • Objective vs Subjective Reasons to Prioritize

  • - criteria: largest impact (TAM) , no strong solution in market

  • I also like frequency & severity


  • Don’t smush tech + idea >> integrate

  • Avoid already existing products

What interviewers are testing:

  • How you think

  • Qs you ask

  • Convergent & Divergent Thinking

  • Strong Rationale

Diana’s Framework for Meta Product Sense

  • Mission

  • Target Users

  • User Journey & Pain Points

  • Solutions

  1. Info Gathering

  2. Structure

  3. Prio

  4. User Empathy

  5. Brainstorming

Info Gathering

  1. Opportunities

  2. Trend

  3. Competition

  4. Strengths

  5. Structure


  1. Target >> Branch & Leaf >> org thoughts


  1. Show you feel the pain


  1. Size

  2. Underserved

  3. Freq

  4. Urgency


  • Granular Pain Points are easier to work with >> helps better ideas

Favorite Product

  • Methodical about the pain points it is solving for me

  • Key Top Goals for Company

  • Features that can help a company grow

Strategy Questions: 

  • Mission

  • Investments

  • Strengths

  • Goal Optimization

    • New customers

    • Existing customers > Engagement

    • Existing customers > Monetization

    • Innovation

    • Cost Cutting

Ecosystem & Opportunities

  • Users

    • New > not using yet

    • Monetize > willingness to pay

    • Existing > who are your customers

    • Innovation > What is next

    • Cost > what is driving costs

  • Think Ambitious an Long Term

Option 1

  1. Users

  2. Trends

  3. Competitors

  4. Opportunities (related to strengths)

Option 2

  1. Strategic Narrative

  2. 2-5 year roadmap

  3. How to start

  4. Risks

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