G.A.M.E. Framework
There are very different modes of learning. As a coach, I know that my frameworks are helpful but not for everyone. When there is a framework people love, I will happily share it, along with my caveats.
In this case, we are discussing a metrics framework. The most common and popular one I know of is called G.A.M.E. Which stands for:
Let’s break that down for a moment:
Goals: Establish simple English goals that explain the what you are trying to accomplish
Actions: List the core actions a user takes
Metrics: List how you will measure those actions and outcomes of those actions
Evaluation: Self-reflect on what you have said
Now, lets talk about common pitfalls with this model.
Too Business Focused
Calling Engagement your goal
it can be at a high-level but not the point of thi exercise. State it but get to simple English description of the goal
Actions: List the core actions a user takes
Listing too many actions
Being so focused on actions you forget outputs and outcomes
Metrics: List how you will measure those actions and outcomes of those actions
Forgetting the time period
Not being able to prioritize metrics
Not knowing when to measure daily vs. weekly, for example
Evaluation: Self-reflect on what you have said
Having memorized AARRR metrics and not knowing why you use them
Confusing Growth metrics vs. Core metrics