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Search Filters for Recruiters

Understanding how Search Filters work can help us understand how to think about preparing our LinkedIn Profiles. Basically, everything can be searched, the real question is what do Recruiters really use the most?

The embedded PDF reveals some interesting insights into how recruiters navigate LinkedIn.

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  • Spotlights - LinkedIn says more likely to engage. I assume this would be people paying or marking themselves as actively looking.

  • Company Followers - Didn’t think Recruiters would use that, but maybe they do.

  • Company Sizes - Might help to understand why some people don’t get a shot in one direction or another.

  • Company Types - Think public vs. private vs. non-profit

  • Fields of Study - I guess more for junior candidates and technical fields, but maybe other use cases.

  • Project Filters - I need to query a few recruiters to see if they actually leverage these.