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Product Sense Prompt Goals

When coming up with for goals in product design prompts, it is important to remember you need to focus on the user. The more senior you are, the more you want to balance business goals with user goals.

I have written in the past about how MBA candidates can overdo the business goals. You want to balance things carefully. Different companies and different prompts dictate different rules or at least best practices.

Stick with user-focused goals:

  • Improve parking

  • Design a teleportation device

  • Imagine you had a camera, internet, and a mirror. Design a product.

Think about business and user goals:

  • Improve Newsfeed for Facebook.

  • Re-imagine gmail for 5 years from now.

  • Improve Spotify.

If you try to come up with a business goal for the first three prompts listed, it will typically feel forced. If you have a natural suggestion, go for it. But be careful.

The second three prompts could be improved by saying the business goal is to improve engagement with the product, or to challenge ourselves not to be left behind as user preferences change, etc.

In short, use common sense.

Part of a series on Facebook Product Manager Interview Questions.