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Clarification vs Challenge Questions

Recently Danny Sheridan reminded his readers of the differences between clarification and challenge questions. It reminded me that many candidates have a hard time reading when an interviewer asks a clarification vs a challenge question.

When we get nervous, we often assume any question asked requires us to go deeper in detail. But during an interview it can be easy to get nervous and not clearly read what is being asked. 

Often times, I just missed the last thing a candidate said because I am typing, but the candidate assumes they have to go back 2 mins and re-explain things. Listen to the question being asked, don’t assume you have to go back and re-explain everything. 

Try Quick Summary

If the interviewer asks you what the last comment was, it doesn’t mean you have to go on a 2 minute overview, summarize what you said and then check to see if they want more information.

Maybe they are trying to help 

When candidates get a little off track, an interviewer might ask a slightly challenging question. If so, listen. Don’t be defensive. Also, don’t keep falling into the trap, follow their lead. 

What if it is a challenge question

In an interview, a challenge question can be a chance to show off your strategic thought process. The interviewer is often looking to see if you can show adaptability to weigh trade-offs as new information or assumptions get challenged. Go with it. Listen. Think. Resist the urge to be defensive. Share thoughtful considerations.