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Beachhead Strategy for Prioritization

Consider the Beachhead strategy as a reason for prioritization a user segmentation in product case questions. This is an acceptable way to avoid always claiming you will prioritized a user segment because it is the large total addressable market. 

After all, we know most companies actually got started by focusing on a specific user group. Think about some of your favorites like Snapchat, Discord, Yelp, and more.

What does it mean?

The Beachhead strategy means focusing your resources on one key area. In the case of product design user and solution prioritization, this usually means selecting smaller market segment or product category, and winning that market first.

You can explain to your interviewer that once you dominate that market you can move into larger markets.

Point of Trivia

While used extensively in business strategy, it actually started as a military strategy which advocates approaching enemy territory with a plan for focus all your resources on winning a small area that becomes a stronghold. 


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For Case-Based Prio Questions: A Framework (Think DoorDash)

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