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How to run Meetings with Executives

The secrets are in your pre-work, focus and follow-through.

  1. Anticipate hard questions. Do a pre-mortem. See Amazon FAQ documents.

  2. Don’t Blindside Them. Send a pre-read you have vetted with your manager

  3. Seed the Room. Meet offline with at least 1 or 2 influential people in the room days or weeks BEFORE the meeting

  4. Tell them what you need to start. The first slide or words out of your mouth should tell them clearly what you need from them.

  5. Don’t spiral into details. If they pick at details, don’t stay there too long. Offer to follow-up afterward.

  6. Circle back to what you need. Before they leave the room, make sure you got your answer or next steps to get your answer or commitment to support.

  7. Follow up with email ASAP. Thank them for their time and summarize the key takeaways and any deadlines you committed to. If your meeting goes late or into a formal dinner, try to send an email that night for first thing the next day to show clarity.

Photo by Headway on Unsplash